Every ambitious company sooner or later faces the necessity of introduction of IT services. Whether it is an e-mail service, IP-telephony or document turnover – neither of them can be launched without a well-organized local area network (LAN).
If you compare IT infrastructure to a man the server or data processing center (DPC) is like a heart and the LAN – the circulatory system.
Incorrect design of any of these 2 major components of the IT infrastructure can eventually lead to increase in both capital and operating costs.
If you design a network configuration take these factors into account:

- Existing and planned IT services, as well as the number and location of employees;
- Data safety requirements for both internal and external communication channels;
- The necessity of mobile workplaces for employees both inside and outside the organization;
- Ensuring the level of service and rate of recovery after network failures;
- An upgrade of network design based on minimizing the capital costs, but with the possibility of the introduction of new services.
Thus the preliminary network design eliminates the risk of cost overruns while building the network. Also it allows you to cut network maintenance costs.
Why Need a Network Security Audit?
In the era of high-tech company’s data in electronic form is one of the most important resources. Data safety and confidentiality are often measured by millions of dollars. For example, data on the date of release or specs of a new product can give odds to competitors and lead to loss of a contract.
In order to prevent data theft it’s necessary to protect the IT infrastructure from external and internal threats.
The main threat is the lack of IT infrastructure security. A network is a part of IT infrastructure by which data is transmitted.
Network security audit allows you to:
- Identify existing vulnerabilities in the internal and external communication channels;
- Get recommendations to eliminate network vulnerabilities;
- Get recommendations for minimizing the occurrence of new vulnerabilities.
As result of implementation of given recommendations you minimize the risk of confidential information theft and the risk of material losses for the organization.