5/5 - (2 votes)
Client classification
How many servers does your infrastructure have?
Small-1-5 servers
Middle-5-20 servers
Large-more than 20, physical and virtual infrastructure
- What OS does each of your servers have?
- What is the purpose of your servers (for example: web server, mail server, etc.)?
- What Software is used to implement a specific purpose? (for example: web server-nginx+php – fpm, DB-mariadb)
- Are there any specific Software settings?
- Is there any interaction between the servers? How is it implemented?
- Are there any backups? Where are they stored? How often are they implemented?
- What functions do you want to outsource?
- Is it required for your servers to be optimized for speed?
- Do you want to reduce IT costs?
- Do you want to ensure the fault tolerance of the system?
- What are the current problems in your IT systems?
- What tasks should be implemented?
- Type of IT infrastructure (internal, cloud, hybrid)?
- IT infrastructure scheme.
- Is documentation being maintained? Are regulations and instructions being written?
- How the work of IT Department is organized.
- Physical and virtual servers. What virtualization system is being used?
- Is there any interaction between the servers? How is it implemented?
- What OS does each of your servers have?
- What is the purpose of your servers (for example: web server, mail server, etc.)?
- What Software is used to implement a specific purpose? (for example: web server-nginx+php – fpm, DB-mariadb)
- Are there any specific Software settings?
- Are there any backups? Where are they stored? How often are they implemented?
- What functions do you want to outsource?
- Is it required for your servers to be optimized for speed?
- Do you want to reduce IT costs?
- Do you want to ensure the fault tolerance of the system? If it is implemented, how exactly?
- What are the current problems in your IT systems?
- What tasks should be implemented?