5/5 - (2 votes)

Client classification

How many servers does your infrastructure have?

Small-1-5 servers

Middle-5-20 servers

Large-more than 20, physical and virtual infrastructure


  1. What OS does each of your servers have?
  2. What is the purpose of your servers (for example: web server, mail server, etc.)?
  3. What Software is used to implement a specific purpose? (for example: web server-nginx+php – fpm, DB-mariadb)
  4. Are there any specific Software settings?
  5. Is there any interaction between the servers? How is it implemented?
  6. Are there any backups? Where are they stored? How often are they implemented?
  7. What functions do you want to outsource?
  8. Is it required for your servers to be optimized for speed?
  9. Do you want to reduce IT costs?
  10. Do you want to ensure the fault tolerance of the system?
  11. What are the current problems in your IT systems?
  12. What tasks should be implemented?


  1. Type of IT infrastructure (internal, cloud, hybrid)?
  2. IT infrastructure scheme.
  3. Is documentation being maintained? Are regulations and instructions being written?
  4. How the work of IT Department is organized.
  5. Physical and virtual servers. What virtualization system is being used?
  6. Is there any interaction between the servers? How is it implemented?
  7. What OS does each of your servers have?
  8. What is the purpose of your servers (for example: web server, mail server, etc.)?
  9. What Software is used to implement a specific purpose? (for example: web server-nginx+php – fpm, DB-mariadb)
  10. Are there any specific Software settings?
  11. Are there any backups? Where are they stored? How often are they implemented?
  12. What functions do you want to outsource?
  13. Is it required for your servers to be optimized for speed?
  14. Do you want to reduce IT costs?
  15. Do you want to ensure the fault tolerance of the system? If it is implemented, how exactly?
  16. What are the current problems in your IT systems?
  17. What tasks should be implemented?