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Updating and tuning the Jira system can bring several benefits to your organization, including improved performance, enhanced security, increased productivity, and better collaboration among team members. However, it also comes with some potential drawbacks, such as downtime during the upgrade process, compatibility issues with other software, and the need for additional training for your team members.

Here are some of the pros and cons of updating and tuning the Jira system:


  • Improved performance: Upgrading Jira can lead to better performance, faster response times, and a more seamless experience for your team members.
  • Enhanced security: The latest version of Jira may include new security features and bug fixes, reducing the risk of security breaches and vulnerabilities.
  • Increased productivity: Updating and tuning Jira can help streamline workflows, automate tasks, and reduce manual work, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.
  • Better collaboration: Jira offers several collaboration features, such as real-time updates, commenting, and task assignment, which can help improve communication and teamwork among your team members.


  • Downtime: Upgrading Jira may require downtime, which can impact your team’s productivity and disrupt your workflow.
  • Compatibility issues: The new version of Jira may not be compatible with other software or plugins that you are using, requiring additional upgrades or customization.
  • Additional training: The updated version of Jira may have new features and a different interface, requiring your team members to undergo additional training to adapt to the changes.

Example Plan:

Here is an example of a plan for implementing the Jira upgrade:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current Jira system, identifying areas that need improvement and potential compatibility issues with other software or plugins.
  2. Develop a detailed plan for the upgrade, including a timeline, a communication strategy, and a plan for minimizing downtime.
  3. Create a backup of the current Jira system to ensure that data is not lost during the upgrade process.
  4. Upgrade Jira to the latest version, ensuring that all necessary plugins and add-ons are also updated or replaced with compatible versions.
  5. Test the upgraded Jira system to ensure that all features and functionalities are working properly.
  6. Communicate the upgrade to all team members, providing information on new features and any changes to the interface or workflows.
  7. Provide additional training to team members to ensure that they are comfortable using the new version of Jira and taking advantage of all new features.
  8. Monitor the upgraded Jira system for any issues or bugs, and address them promptly to ensure a smooth transition.

Overall, updating and tuning the Jira system can bring significant benefits to your organization, but it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making the decision. With a well-planned implementation strategy, you can minimize potential issues and ensure a successful upgrade that enhances productivity and collaboration among your team members.

Another example of a work plan. Here is a breakdown of each task:

  1. Create 1 task type: A task type is a type of issue in Jira, such as task, bug, or feature request. This task involves creating a new task type to customize the issue types in the project.
  2. Create screen scheme for 1 task type: A screen scheme is a collection of screens that define the fields and layout of a Jira issue. This task involves creating a new screen scheme for the new task type created in the previous task.
  3. Creation custom fields (13): Custom fields are user-defined fields that can be added to Jira issues to capture additional information. This task involves creating 13 custom fields for the new task type.
  4. Create screens (creation screen, required fields screen, view screen, edition screen) for 1 task type: This task involves creating screens for the new task type that define how the custom fields created in the previous task will be displayed.
  5. Create Workflow for 1 task type: A workflow defines the life cycle of an issue in Jira, including the status transitions and the actions that can be taken at each step. This task involves creating a new workflow for the new task type.
  6. Create security levels: Security levels can be used to restrict access to certain issues in Jira based on user permissions. This task involves creating security levels for the new task type.
  7. Create Field Configuration for 1 task type: A field configuration specifies which fields are available to a user when creating or editing an issue. This task involves creating a new field configuration for the new task type.
  8. Create simple default dashboard: A dashboard is a customizable view of Jira data, including charts, reports, and filters. This task involves creating a simple default dashboard for the project.
  9. Create kaban-board for this type: A kanban board is a visual representation of a workflow, showing the status of each issue and its progress through the workflow. This task involves creating a kanban board for the new task type.
  10. Create automation to change security levels while changing status for 1 task type (6 statuses): Automation rules can be used to automate repetitive tasks in Jira. This task involves creating an automation rule that changes the security level of an issue based on its status.
  11. Create automation to add text in description during workflow move: This task involves creating an automation rule that adds text to the description of an issue when it moves to a certain status in the workflow.
  12. Create automation/script to add TL to its fields in new issue: This task involves creating an automation rule or script that automatically adds the Team Leader’s name to certain fields when a new issue is created.
  13. Fixing bugs: This task involves identifying and fixing any bugs or issues that arise during the project setup and configuration.
  14. Create documentation: Documenting the project setup and configuration is important for future reference and for other team members to understand how the project is set up. This task involves creating documentation for the project setup and configuration.

Overall, this is a detailed and thorough plan for creating and configuring a project in Jira, including customizing the issue types, creating custom fields, creating screens and workflows, and automating repetitive tasks.

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