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Today penetration testing is becoming an effective instrument for building an effective data security system. A special worker called auditor plays role of an intruder who makes attempts to hack the information system. The auditor is supposed to use any possible tools to hack the existing protection in order to get access to the necessary data.Penetration Test

Usually pentest is carried out for in-depth analysis of the technical means of the overall network reliability. Also the test may also involve other aspects of protection, for example, a level of users’ awareness.

Testing site for vulnerabilities is a process that imitates hackers, who look for weaknesses in the security system, and then use these weaknesses for their own purposes. This test is completely independent, so you can get the real assessment and experienced expert conclusion about the safety of confidential information.

After a careful and thorough evaluation the auditor prepares a detailed report which specifies not only the weaknesses of the security system, but also specific recommendations, which help to eliminate possible threats.

Testing a website for vulnerabilities is a reliable tool that helps preventing a lot of problems. Sooner or later these unrevealed weaknesses may affect reputation of a website and result in significant losses.

During the system testing, the auditor makes many attempts to penetrate into the information space of the company or site. If the expert is able to access the data, then later we can identify weaknesses and eliminate them. This approach helps to allocate the required amount of financial and material resources to ensure that sensitive data is protected.