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There are many reasons why DevOps need tools. The primary reason is to automate the process of software development and delivery. Tools help to streamline and automate the tasks involved in software development, including code management, testing, and deployment.

Another reason why DevOps need tools is to improve communication and collaboration between developers and operations teams. Tools can help to create a shared view of the software development process and progress, and they can help to identify and track dependencies between different parts of the system.

Finally, tools can help to improve the quality of the software delivered to customers. By automating the process of testing and deployments, tools can help to ensure that the software meets customer expectations.

Consider commonly used tools for devops:

  1. Git: A distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes to their codebase and collaborate with others.
  2. Jenkins: An open source automation server that can be used to automate various tasks related to building, testing and deploying software.
  3. Puppet: A configuration management tool that helps developers manage and automate the deployment of their applications.
  4. Chef: A configuration management tool that helps developers automate the creation and deployment of their infrastructure.
  5. Ansible: A configuration management tool that helps developers automate the deployment of their applications.
  6. Nagios: A monitoring tool that helps developers monitor their infrastructure for potential issues.
  7. Logstash: A tool for managing and analyzing log data.
  8. Kibana: A visualization tool for Elasticsearch that helps developers visualize their data.
  9. Grafana: A monitoring and visualization tool that helps developers monitor their infrastructure and applications.
  10.  Prometheus: A monitoring tool that helps developers monitor their infrastructure and applications.
  11. Sensu: A monitoring tool that helps developers monitor their infrastructure and applications.
  12. InfluxDB: A time series database that helps developers store and query their data.
  13. CouchDB: A document-oriented database that helps developers store and query their data.
  14. MongoDB: A document-oriented database that helps developers store and query their data.
  15. RethinkDB: A document-oriented database that helps developers store and query their data.
  16. Cassandra: A column-oriented database that helps developers store and query their data.
  17. Hadoop: An open source framework that helps developers process and analyze large data sets.
  18. Spark: An open source framework that helps developers process and analyze large data sets.
  19. Flink: An open source framework that helps developers process and analyze large data sets.
  20. Storm: A distributed real-time computation system that helps developers process and analyze large data sets.