Vulnerabilities in Drupal 2020

Drupal developers fixed a number of vulnerabilities, including prototype…

DDoS protection market: who is who

The first attacks appeared almost simultaneously with the Internet. DDoS as a…

AWS EC2-service definitive guide

EC2 (elastic compute cloud) is a service that provides computing power by…

Caching s3 in nginx and Google User Content DDoS

Caching s3 in nginx S3-compatible cloud storage has long been included in the…

RabbitMQ, third-party proxy and Genie in PostgreSQL

RabbitMQ and third-party proxy In one project for connecting cash registers is…

Golang, HTTP / 2, old symfony and sentry

Modern web infrastructure consists of many components for various purposes,…

Story of one MySQL optimization

It will be about optimization in MySQL database. This happened when we made a…

Error 502 bad gateway in Nginx

Error 502 Bad Gateway means that Nginx cannot receive a response from some…